Qeye announces topics for its 2022 H1 webinar series - Register now for the first session.

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“Recent advances in characterizing effective minimum horizontal stress - a Montney case study”
Estimating Effective Minimum Horizontal Stress is critical in optimizing hydraulic fracture completions to maximize stimulated rock volume in the capital-intensive development of unconventional reservoirs.
Effective Minimum Horizontal Stress represents the external load carried by the rock itself being a function of confining stresses and pore pressure. Confining stresses can be calculated from elastic rock properties, while pore pressure mediated by the Biot-Willis coefficient, can be estimated from both elastic and rock physics models.
In this study, we estimate the Effective Stress and fracture gradient from seismic data using a combination of elastic petrophysical parameters obtained through a Rock Physics AVO inversion of seismic data from the Montney in NE British Columbia, Canada.